My goals, challenges and expectations for language 3

I can’t believe we’re already back to university, summer felt so short, but at the same time, it felt endless. I’m glad to be back, although I’m already stressed, but I have faith that I will get used to all the school work again. My brain is still in vacation mode.

Honestly, I don’t remember much from Language 2, at least not off the top of my head. I will probably remember things once I see them, but for now, everything in my head is mush. But I know one thing, and it’s that, this semester, I will study a lot, and be a lot stricter with myself. I’m working towards my goal of having better grades than last year, hopefully straight As. I want to be more organized as well.

I’m really excited for all of the upcoming projects we have, I remember last year seeing the upperclassmen do the movie dubbing assignment, and I loved it, it seemed so fun, and I’m hopeful that it will be. I’ve been thinking about what scene of what movie I want to do, and even if I’m still unsure, I know I have time.

I’m looking forward to this school year! I want to learn a lot, better my pronunciation, and have more confidence on my skills.

This entry was posted on March 9, 2025. 1 Comment

Speaking: Why do people prefer texting instead of calling?

My English 2 Self Assessment: Bittersweet

Slow down, you're doin' fine
You can't be everything you wanna be before your time
Although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight, tonight
Too bad, but it's the life you lead
You're so ahead of yourself, that you forgot what you need
Though you can see when you're wrong
You know you can't always see when you're right
- Vienna by Billy Joel

Wow, I just can’t believe English 2 is already over. These past few months have been wild, a lot has happened in my academic life and my personal life, at this point I’m emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted. I can’t keep doing this without a much needed summer break.

Time has passed me by so quickly, even though, in the moment, it feels really slow. It surprises me how many days I have been able to go through without realizing, I just keep on repeating the same routine: I wake up, go to university, get home, sleep, and repeat, every day, no time for friends or hobbies.

My whole life has gone in a downfall since my last assessment. If I was already struggling a lot, now it’s way worse. But I know I have to hit rock bottom in order to get back to the surface. It can only get better, there is no way this can get worse. My only option is getting back up.

As the weather gets warmer, I often find myself reminiscing of my first days in university, when all of this was new. The nostalgia hits me heavily. I remember having a hard time getting used to university life, and I am really glad I was able to do so.

This semester, I have tried my best to not stress so much over my grades. As everything else is going wrong, the only thing I can do is be kind to myself, and allow myself to take it easy, one step at a time. We start class really early, so I spend most of my day in university, and even if it’s tiring, I am trying my best to make this a good and memorable experience by constantly hanging out with my classmates, who have become my chosen family, and have been there for me during these hard times. I don’t think about dropping out anymore, I think I have gotten used to the eclectic student life, and I’m slowly falling in love with it, trying to romanticize every second of it. But, I need a rest. Phonetics has been a really hard class for me, since I struggle with the online stuff. It feels like my brain stops when I’m in front of a computer, but I guess I also have to get used to this, as technology is the future of learning.

The midterms were rough. The whole week was extremely stressful, and I don’t think I will ever forget about all the adrenaline I felt for those four days. It’s funny to think about it now, but at the time, it was kind of traumatizing.

This whole semester was marked by both joy and sorrow, and though I’m really glad it’s over, it left an indelible mark on me. I have amazing memories from the time I spent with my friends, from Pinpalooza, and even from class time. 

I plan on practicing my English in my free time this summer. I usually consume all of my audiovisual media in English, and that won’t change now. I also want to keep practicing my speaking abilities with my friends, and I want to try and memorize the IPA alphabet (but for now it’s just an idea, no plan for that yet).

I hope the summer break gives all of us a well deserved rest, so we can have all of our energy back for Language 3.

I hid some bits of my personal journal into this.

Forum Unit 2

Hello, and welcome to my unit 2 assessment. Yet again, I felt like the unit was too short, although I know it wasn’t. The holiday break kinda threw me off. Learning about the topics of the unit was hard, and I’m still struggling, but slowly and surely I’m managing to master them. I would say my weakest point is identifying the S endings. I always get confused between the /s/ and the /z/ endings, I am still unable to differentiate them, but I hope that, with practice and studying, I learn how to identify them properly.I am doing well with the ed endings. I’ve learnt the rules (or at least, some of them), and I’m using them correctly.I don’t want this unit to end, since I still need more practice, but it’s time to move on to the next topic, the semester is halfway done, we are in midterm season, and we cannot get stuck. Alexa, play Bye Bye Bye by NSYNC.

This entry was posted on October 11, 2024. 3 Comments

Audio Upload 12 (The Flatmates Episode 111, Reloaded)

As always, I worked along my bestie Tomi 🙂
Side A
Side B

Episode 111: Home again
Helen: And then, she really did make it up to the top!
Khalid: Congratulations Alice! You are brave!
Alice: Thank you!
Helen: So, how were things back here. Did you boys manage to look after yourselves alright?
Khalid: We had a great time and Tim’s got some good news.
Helen: Oh what?
Tim: My guardian angel seems to have come to my rescue once again.
Helen: What happened?
Tim: Well, Janet Hall phoned to say she’s got a job she thinks I might like but she wouldn’t tell me what it was. She says I have to meet her so we can talk about it.
Alice: So are you going to?
Tim: What do you think?
Tim: Obviously I must go!! this is a live or die situation!
Alice: Oh calm down Tim! you can go later

Tim: NO! I need to go Alice! When she said that I Suddenly began to feel anxious!
Khalid: Come on lil bro, you need to relax you’re way too tense
Alice: Yeah Tim! This is—
Tim: Goodbye Slamming of a door in the background
Helen: Why did he start to behave like this all of a sudden?
Khalid: Lil bro was about to die right here…

Audio Upload 11 (The Flatmates Episode 105: Reloaded)

Episode 105: Alice swallows her pride
Alice: Thanks for agreeing to meet me.
Paul: That’s ok, what’s on your mind?
Alice: You must know. I flew off the handle the other morning and I just wanted to say how sorry I was. I wanted everything to go well with me and Ellie, but then she said she didn’t like me and I overreacted and and ..
Paul: And I was tired but that’s no excuse for my behaviour either. I don’t think I realised just how badly shaken I’ve been since Lucy left me. I knew I was being overprotective of Ellie but I just couldn’t help myself.
Alice: Oh Paul. What a mess we’re in!
Paul: I’m so sorry Alice.
Alice: Can we try again?
Ellie: Dad!
Paul: Ellie?
Alice: Ellie, what are you doing here?
Ellie: I had to come here when I heard you were meeting up with the old hag.
Alice: Hey!
Paul: Ellie! Don’t call Alice that!
Ellie: But she wants to take you away from me, so you’ll forget about mom!
Alice: Oh, Ellie, that’s not true at all…
Paul: Ellie, sweetie, why would you ever think that? I could never forget your mother, and nobody could ever take me away from you princess.
Ellie: You promise?
Paul: Of course
Alice: Ellie… I’m sorry you felt like I was stealing your father, I promise I would never take him away from you, that was not my intention at all.
Ellie: It’s just that… I miss my mom, and I don’t want dad to forget about mom, because then he¡ll might forget me too.
Alice: Ellie, I promise that nothing in this world could ever make your father forget you, you’re his whole world
Paul: That’s right. Look, Ellie, I love you more than anything in this world, and you will always be number one, so don’t think that it will ever change, you’re my treasure, honey.
Side A.
Side B.
This entry was posted on September 17, 2024. 1 Comment

UoE Quiz 1 Self-Assessment

I did very well on the first Use of English quiz! I got a 6.9, and I only made one little mistake. I keep getting ‘intransitive’ and ‘transitive’ confused, and that was my one mistake, the words get mixed up in my head, I literally cannot get it straight even if I try my best; but I will keep trying. I did not study for the test though, I was feeling really unwell that week so I just forgot about it until I had to actually take the test, and I realize that may be my second mistake, which means I have to study for the next evaluation. I am going to try my best to keep this up, and to improve. It’s only one point, but that won’t happen again (or at least I hope it won’t, I will try to do better next time), I keep telling myself “just keep it together, Naomi! You promised yourself you would get straight 7’s!”, but it’s not working. Besides that, I am satisfied with my performance, I was really nervous because I did not study, and I thought I would do pretty badly. To be honest I was expecting a 4 at most, my expectations were really low, so this is proof for myself that I really can do this. I got a 6.9 because it was all I could get, but next time I will get a 7 because it’s impossible to get more. And I will try to not mix up the types of verbs again, I’m just going to keep practicing this until I get it right.

Speaking: Social Issues – Discrimination

Hello again! Today I’m sharing a video I made about discrimination for Listening & Speaking, I chose this topic because it is something I have personally faced (and still do) as a part of the LGBTQ+ community and a woman.